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What is new on the eve of our 6th anniversary? Much has been going on behind the scenes regarding the WV vapor tax. The house of delegates passed Governor Justice's proposal to repeal personal income tax in WV, which included a .35 cent per mL vapor tax!! What does that mean? A $35.00 tax on a 100 mL bottle of E-Liquid.

But wait! Once the bill got to the senate, the senate amended the bill making is 23% of wholesale cost, which is good for our type of vapor. JUUL and convenience store vapor products will be paying higher taxes than they were. The bill now goes back to the house to see if they will vote the bill through with these amendments. There are other taxes involved involved such as higher sales and gas tax, craft beer etc? What do you think should happen?

HOLD YOUR BREATH! Because there could be another twist!

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